Home / 5' Animated Holiday Locomotive

5' Animated Holiday Locomotive

  • Detail
    This is the 5'-tall light sculpture with 420 LEDs that create the animated illusion of a train in motion.
    Made with a two-dimensional powder-coated steel frame that withstands the rigors of winter weather, the locomotive is strung with red, white, yellow, blue, and green LEDs that capture the passing eye.
    The locomotivea??s three (and the coal cara??s two) LED wheels flash on/off in sequence around the rims and spokes to imply haste from an Elvish toy factory to Santaa??s main workshop for the a??big night.a?? A jolly bear rides along in the coal car filled to the brim with presents.
    White LEDs suggest a huffing, puffing rail journey in a snowy landscape as a??smokea?? issues from the smokestack.
    AC plug with 9' cord. 77" L x 60" H x 13" D. (4 1/2 lbs.)
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